Interface URLForAuthenticationConfig

Configuration for generating a URL for OAuth 2.0 authentication.



accessType?: AccessType

If the exchange token should return a refresh token too. Not suitable for client side or JavaScript apps.

clientId: string

The client ID of your application.

includeGrantScopes?: boolean

If set to true, the scopes granted to the application will be included in the response.

loginHint?: string

Prefill the login name (usually email) during authorization flow. If a Grant for the provided email already exists, a Grant's re-auth will automatically be initiated.

prompt?: string

The prompt parameter is used to force the consent screen to be displayed even if the user has already given consent to your application.

provider?: Provider

The integration provider type that you already had set up with Nylas for this application. If not set, the user is directed to the Hosted Login screen and prompted to select a provider.

redirectUri: string

Redirect URI of the integration.

scope?: string[]

A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could access on the user's behalf. If no scope is given, all of the default integration's scopes are used.

state?: string

Optional state to be returned after authentication

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